The Edward Reeves Archive project owes a huge debt of gratitude to the many local volunteers whose work has allowed us to begin the process of unveiling this archive. Thanks to the team who created a bespoke digital system that allows other volunteers to key in the business ledgers. These will reveal what is held in the Edward Reeves Archive. We are enormously grateful to all those who have built the exhibitions, assembled the lightboxes, researched the stories behind the plates, transcribed the ledgers and helped manage this project – because of their enthusiasm and involvement, the Edward Reeves Archive truly deserves to be called ‘the Family Album of Lewes’.
Brigitte Lardinois, Tom Reeves, Tania Osband and Isaac Reeves would like to thank:
All our volunteers
The many businesses and private homes who agreed to host one or more of the light boxes for each of the exhibitions
Digital curator Kathryn Tollervey
Matt Haycocks, Yaz Norris and Dave Hood for the design, construction and maintenance of the light boxes
Dean Pavitt for graphic design
DNA Photo Imaging of Worthing and Le Bureau Lewes for printing the exhibitions
Lewes Town Council and the staff at Lewes Town Hall for their continued support
The London College of Communication and Research Management and Administration at the University of the Arts for their encouragement and support for Brigitte Lardinois, for their administrative support and for help with fundraising
All the sponsors who have supported this project so far

“The Edward Reeves Studio Archive is an extremely rare, indeed probably unique, resource for the study of the history of commercial studio photography in Britain. The availability of the invoices, ledgers and comments books, with entries to accompany virtually every image, is exceptional. Its continuous operation over four generations marks this studio as almost certainly the longest operational studio in Britain if not the world.”
—Colin Harding, Curator of Photography and Photographic Technology, National Media Museum
“A detailed analysis of this archive will help to inform our understanding of the workings of commercial studios as well as shed light on the lives of the people in and around Lewes.
“On a micro-level your project will share with the people of Lewes the story of their locality by making the archive accessible online.
“At a macro-level the importance of the Edward Reeves Collection is that it is an extremely rare resource for the study of the history of commercial studio photography in Britain.”
“The Reeves archive was first presented in Lewes last October, in 55 various shop front windows along the High Street, one of them being my own. I can personally attest to the popularity of the exhibition locally, and indeed it was so well received that it will return in August 2015 as part of Lewes Artwave Festival.”
“We worked together closely when the National Park Authority sponsored the ‘Stories Seen Through a Glass Plate’ exhibition in the centre of Lewes… This experience of working with the archive has convinced me of the power of the images in alerting people to the history of their locality and to the importance of their social and economic history. It has also been evidence of the professionalism with which the archive can organise and deliver high profile projects”
—Trevor Beattie, Chief Executive, South Downs National Park Authority
“The value of your project was further emphasised by your recent talk to the LHG group as our featured talk for the month. You attracted 180 attendees. To date this is the largest audience the LHG has ever had for a monthly talk.”